Another university hospital relies on mRay

After a pilot phase lasting several months, we were able to convince another university hospital of our mRay app. The University Hospital in Hamburg-Eppendorf (UKE) is now equipped with a campus license of the application. The license enables the use in different departments. At the UKE, general surgery, neuroradiology and surgery, pediatric radiology and nuclear medicine, among others, benefit from mRay.

The UKE was particularly impressed by the advantages of mRay in the on-call service. In fact, clinical decisions can be made much faster by providing the (diagnostic) image data on mobile devices. Thanks to the integrated messenger, second opinions can be obtained from colleagues quickly and easily.

The integration of mRay was worked out individually in close cooperation with the internal hospital IT department. mRay not only offers a sophisticated, multi-level security concept, but also system stability and adaptability to the existing structures.


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