"We don't need 5G at every milk jug"

Anja Karliczek, Bundesministerin für Bildung & Forschung

Be more efficient with us than politics allows!

What was politically neglected is currently taking revenge at all levels. With mRay, you close important gaps in the digitization of healthcare. Not only will you save money in the process, but you will also impress as a progressive clinic or practice. Your employees will thank you for the more comfortable working conditions. 

Anja Karliczek mRay app für eine bessere digitalisierung in der klinik und medizinischen praxis

Your Return On Invest

Benefit from mRay as quantitatively as qualitatively

Reduction of travel expenses (>5K EUR/Month)*
Flexible services
Low-cost teleradiological workplaces (>1,5K EUR in stead of 5-8K EUR)
Optimization of treatment workflows
Reduction of soft- & hardware (>3K EUR/Month)
Improvement of treatment quality
Reduction of IT Resources
Employee retention
Billing telekonsil
Modern external presentation
MDK relevant, forensic documentation (> 5K EUR/Month)
*Hospital < 500 beds

Any Questions About mRay?

You can reach us on all channels

Contact us by mail, phone or via chat. We will answer you immediately. Alternatively, you can get a more comprehensive impression of mRay here and simply try out the countless application possibilities of our physician app yourself!


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