Radiology Magazine and Hospital IT Journal report on mRay
Our app at the "Meine Radiologie" sites and at BG Klinik Ludwigshafen. Image data and findings can be provided digitally via the mRay patient and referring physician portal.
Whether product news, trade fairs, press releases or scientific research: On these pages you will learn everything about current happenings in the mbits cosmos. You are also welcome to sign up for our newsletter.
Our app at the "Meine Radiologie" sites and at BG Klinik Ludwigshafen. Image data and findings can be provided digitally via the mRay patient and referring physician portal.
Award for digitization project. The 15th "Entscheider" event was held in Düsseldorf at the beginning of the week. Federal Minister of Health Jens Spahn opened the event with a welcoming speech, at which the digital
Managing Director Dr. med Dr. rer. pol. Dirk Knüppel enthusiastic about mRay. Image data and findings can be made available digitally via our patient and referring physician portal. The patient findings
"With mRay we have found an optimal solution". "Photo documentation and access to medical images: intuitive and performant," headlines healthcare-in-europe aktuell. Helmut Greschner, Head of IT at BG Klinik Ludwigshafen, describes
No more Whatsapp in the clinic! The latest terms of use of Whatsapp, which allow an even more liberal data transfer to the parent company Facebook, move the data protection especially in the
As an agile, young start-up, we're getting in on the action. What is AI-SIGS? An AI space for intelligent healthcare systems, created through the collaboration of AI institutes, university hospitals and medical technology companies.
Since the advent of digitization, nothing has highlighted the importance of face-to-face contact like the pandemic. Face-to-face events have gained in value since then. We are therefore delighted to welcome every visitor to the numerous events in which we participate each year.
Als Softwareanbieter ist uns Cyber Security besonders wichtig. Unser Team hält daher kontinuierlich die Augen nach neuen Sicherheitslücken und deren Lösungen offen. Um sicherzustellen, dass Sie stets auf dem neuesten Stand sind, informieren wir Sie hier über die wichtigsten Neuigkeiten zur Cyber Security.
Ransomware attacks on hospitals have increased worldwide, putting patients' lives at risk. Although it is difficult to prove a direct causal link between a cyberattack and the death of a patient, research suggests that such attacks can increase mortality rates.
Read more on heise.de
On November 28, 2023, an unknown attacker successfully infiltrated Esslingen Hospital by exploiting a vulnerability in the Citrix access. Immediately upon discovery, the hospital management established an emergency response team, currently conducting a comprehensive analysis to determine the extent of the attack. Only recently, an entire hospital chain was affected by a cyber attack.
Read more on heise.de and on borncity.com
cURL, the widely used collection of tools for HTTP calls, API calls and downloads via the command line, is facing a significant security update. The founder of the cURL project has announced that he will release information on October 11th about a security vulnerability that has been classified as serious. This upcoming update is expected to be of great importance as cURL is used in numerous projects for various web requests.
Read more on heise.de
Security issue of significant severity is disclosed with curl 8.4.0 The release cycle is being accelerated and curl 8.4.0 is scheduled for release on October 11th. This release includes fixes for a HIGH severity vulnerability and another LOW severity vulnerability. The HIGH vulnerability is probably the most severe Curl vulnerability in a long time, and the new version and detailed information on both CVEs will be announced on release day at 06:00 UTC.
Read more on github.com
According to the latest findings, Juniper firewalls are exposed to an increased risk from a new exploit that facilitates attacks. Despite the availability of security updates, many systems are not yet up to date. There is an acute danger, as security researchers have already identified ongoing attacks on unprotected firewalls.
Read more on heise.de
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