Presentation by mbits at Virtual Radiology Update 2021

About the use of mRay at Ulm University Hospital.

On Friday, March 19, 2021, 11:00 am, mbits CEO Dr. Ingmar Gergel will give a presentation on the use of our app at University Hospital Ulm.

It's a bit of a success story: mRay is in use in 6 specialist clinics at UKU, recording 326 registered users and over 1200 image accesses per month. The use of the app is already being planned for two additional clinics. During the lecture, the various possibilities of mRay in everyday clinical practice will be explained. Usecases, such as photo documentation and background services will be highlighted, as well as future enhancements of the app.

The presentation is part of this year's Radiology Update 2021, taking place virtually March 19-20. Don't miss the date, and learn how your clinic can also benefit from the large-scale use of the mRay app.


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