Healthcare in Europe reports on mRay

'mRay is an important building block in our digital strategy'.

'The great freedom in reporting', headlines healthcare-in-europe at present. Prof. Dr. Gerald Weisser, interventional radiologist and medical director's advisor for strategic IT orientation and digitalisation at Klinikum Ludwigshafen, describes in detail the advantages that our app mRay offers in the context of advancing digitalisation in everyday clinical practice.

'mRay gives considerably more flexibility in the choice of work device, workstation, time and in the choice of internet connection, which can also be narrowband,' sums up Prof. Dr. Weisser. He has been in his current position at Klinikum Ludwigshafen since mid-2020 and already knows mRay from his time at Uniklinikum Mannheim. There, work with mRay had already been underway since 2012, and he was involved in its introduction and has remained loyal to mRay ever since.

But it was not only the medical staff who were convinced by our app. 'The solution is extremely reliable, the installation effort is minimal and the benefits for users are high', explains Christian Hiltl, at the Klinikum Ludwigshafen.

We would like to express our sincere thanks for these words of praise and look forward to continuing our good cooperation. In January Healthcare in Europe reported on mRay at BG Klinik Ludwigshafen.


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