AI image analysis: mRay-VEOcore

Optimized CT/MRI perfusion analysis

Stroke is one of the most common causes of death and severe permanent disabilities. Thrombectomy offers a further treatment possibility for stroke patients. For accelerating the clinical decision the mRay-VEOcore module supports you with an automated AI analysis of perfusion images - because time is brain!


  • Guideline-compliant fully automated evaluation of perfusion measurements within three minutes.
  • Display DEFUSE-3 inclusion criteria as suggested in ESO Guideline [01.2019]:
    infarct core volume, penumbra volume, mismatch ratio.
  • Intuitive representation in a 3D overview: infarct core (red) and hypoperfusion (yellow) as colored overlay, representation of CBF and Tmax.
  • Quantitative results for the quality of the automatic evaluation: warning in case of detected patient movement or incorrect contrast medium injection.
ki basierte perfusionsanlyse screenshot mray veocore
Full 3D data set with hypoperfusion (TMAX>6s)
ki basierte perfusionsanalyse mRay VEOCORE Motion Correction
Motion correction: warning when patient movement is detected

Fast communication

Thanks to full integration in mRay, all parties involved are informed in real time and can coordinate on the case regardless of location, of course also via mobile devices. Therapy decisions are made quickly and still evidence-based according to the European Stroke Organisation (ESO).

The acquisition is cost-effective, available as a standalone or as a package.

Entwicklung mit Anwendern

mRay VEOcore ist das Ergebnis eines Kooperationsprojektes von VEObrain, der Universitätsklinik Freiburg und mbits. Gemeinsam haben wir vor Ort ein Produkt nach den Anforderungen der Anwender entwickelt. Die Integration in mRay ermöglicht mit den dort bestehenden Vernetzungsmöglichkeiten sowie dem schnellen Bilddatenaustausch eine optimale Schlaganfallbehandlung. Denn: Time Is Brain!

Everything at a glance with mRay

CBF/Mismatch mit MT Indication mRay VEOcore
mRay VEOcore: CBF/mismatch with MT indication
Quality control: bolus detection and patient movement

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FAQs about Perfusion Analysis

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Perfusion analysis of brain images allows visualization and quantification of low-perfusion tissue (penumbra), non-perfusion tissue (core tissue), and the mismatch ratio between the two values. The calculated values can be used to support decision making based on the assessment of the extent of tissue damage.

Usually, the evaluation can be started automatically in the standard configuration. If required, the possibility for manual evaluation can be set up.