In the crisis, Germany's digitalization backlog takes revenge

The opportunity of new technologies

The opportunity of new technologies. Who is the driving force behind digitization - especially in the German healthcare system - which has been completely overslept to date?

Suddenly, measures are being implemented that previously required years of planning or were directly dismissed "because we've never done it that way before." Our mRay initiative, free of charge for the duration of the crisis, has kept mbits on its toes over the past two weeks, prompting 14 hospitals to rely on our mobile DICOM platform for software that enables secure and fast communication of medical image data on mobile devices. Technology that should actually have been state-of-the-art in medicine long ago.

When people talk about the "crisis as an opportunity," they need to draw attention to circumstances that should have long since ceased to be an issue. mbits has been working for some time on cross-clinic networking for the treatment of stroke and here, too, it is clear - rapid networking in the fight against Covid-19 is essential. Any clinic already using mRay can network with any other clinic. Our server-client solution allows us to connect two mRay servers, which can then be used by physicians to share information across clinics immediately.

Contact us and find out if Klink partners or colleagues are already using our system! With a click, we can connect clinics with each other. #StayUpToDate


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