KHZG is coming

Seize the opportunity for secure digital transformation with mRay

The importance of digitization for hospitals is particularly evident during the crisis. The IT security incident at Düsseldorf University Hospital in September showed that it is also important to take data security aspects into account.

The German government was late in recognizing the pent-up demand in the healthcare system, but is now launching a funding measure in the form of the Hospital Future Act that will enable hospitals to upgrade.

With regard to the incidents at Düsseldorf University Hospital, BSI President Arne Schönbohm explains: "The incident shows once again how seriously this danger must be taken. This is one of the reasons why the German government has stipulated in the draft of the Hospital Future Act that at least 15 percent of the funding applied for must be used for measures to improve information security."

Our mRay app provides you with one of the best and most secure digital tools for communicating radiological image data. You benefit from portable, teleradiology home offices, a secure messenger for clinical professionals, virtual tumor boards, location-independent morning meetings, and expert and trauma networks - even on mobile devices.

Insecure and uncomfortable messaging via WhatsApp or remote desktop applications is now a thing of the past. With mRay, you are relying on a system that has been developed as a medical device from the outset and gives the highest priority to data security. The quality management for the development of our software has already been certified since the beginning of 2020 according to the stricter guidelines of the Medical Device Regulation (MDR), which will not become legally binding until mid-2021.

In use in hospitals for many years, over a hundred hospitals now place their trust in our software, including university hospitals in Heidelberg, Mannheim, Schleswig-Holstein, Göttingen, Ulm, Freiburg, Regensburg, as well as large hospital groups such as Asklepios and Vivantes.

We will be happy to accompany you throughout the entire application process and offer you the opportunity to test mRay for two months free of charge! To do so, contact us by 30.11.2020 at the latest at (+49) 6221 6734 880 or write to us by email.

#KHZG #Hospital Futures Act #DigitalTransformation #mRay #DigitalRadiology #funding.


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