Lunchsymposium at neuroRAD

Mobile • Connected • Image-Guided: Rethinking Stroke Care

Under this title, we would like to invite you to our lunch symposium at this year's neuroRAD. We are particularly excited to welcome our distinguished speakers who will provide exciting insights into their work. Of course, we have also arranged for your lunch. We look forward to your participation and expect you with the following topics:

The Relevance of AI-Based Perfusion Analysis in Neuroradiology
Prof. Dr. Horst Urbach
Director of the Department of Neuroradiology, University Hospital Freiburg

Effectively Managing Patient Flows: Preclinical Triage with LVO Scores
PD Dr. Jochen Brich
Senior Physician in Neurology and Neurophysiology, University Hospital Freiburg

Interhospital Networking with Mobile Image Data Distribution
Dr. med. Frederik Enders
Managing Senior Physician, University Hospital Mannheim

The Annual Meeting of the German Society of Neuroradiology e.V. (DGNR) is awaiting its visitors this year under the congress motto "Communication and Networking for Strong Neuroradiology." For us, the congress has been an absolute must-attend event for many years.

This year you will find our booth in the main hall, right next to the grand staircase. We will be happy to inform you about all the innovations and advantages of our automated perfusion analysis VEOcore, as well as the possibilities of clinic networking with mRay.

Kongress Palais Kassel
Holger-Börner-Platz 1
34119 Kassel

October 4-6, 2023

12:00 Uhr

You are welcome to make an appointment with us in advance.
We are looking forward to your visit at booth H05!


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