mRay certified in Brazil

We are pleased to announce that mRay has now been officially certified as a medical device in Brazil.The approval by ANVISA, the Brazilian health authority, represents an important milestone for us and opens up new opportunities in the South American market.

Why is ANVISA approval so important?

ANVISA (Agência Nacional de Vigilância Sanitária) is the central authority for the regulation and oversight of medical devices, pharmaceuticals, and healthcare services in Brazil. Without ANVISA certification, the distribution of medical devices in the Brazilian market is not possible. The approval confirms that mRay meets all regulatory requirements and can be safely used in Brazil.

First-time participation at Hospitalar in São Paulo

With the successful certification, nothing stands in the way of our participation in Hospitalar 2025.Hospitalar is one of the most important healthcare trade fairs in Latin America, bringing together professionals from all over the world. From May 21 to 24, 2025 we will present mRay in São Paulo and look forward to exchanging ideas with industry experts.

We are looking forward to exciting new opportunities in Brazil and to making mRay available in South American healthcare facilities soon!

São Paulo Expo
Rodovia dos Imigrantes
Vila Água Funda
São Paulo – SP, 04329-900

May 20–23, 2025


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