mRay Symposium at the DGG Annual Meeting

This week marks the 39th Annual Meeting of the German Society for Vascular Surgery and Vascular Medicine (DGG), taking place in Osnabrück. This year's theme is "Holistic Vascular Care." The topics covered include changes in the treatment of vascular patients and aspects of vascular health and sustainability in medicine related to climate change.

We will not only be present with a booth, but are especially looking forward to the Breaking News Symposium on the topic of "Smart Photo Wound Documentation via App directly into PACS". Priv.-Doz. Dr. med. Rolf Weidenhagen, Chief Physician at Munich Clinic, will give a presentation on the use of our mRay Photo Wound Documentation in vascular surgery and vascular and endovascular surgery on Thursday afternoon at 4:30 PM.

Schlosswall 1-9
49074 Osnabrück

September 27-30, 2023

Thursday, September 28th, 2023
4:30 PM
Room 9

You are welcome to make an appointment with us in advance.
We are looking forward to your visit!


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