From Idea to Reality

How can research results be applied in practice and benefit patients? What advantages do spin-offs offer in this regard? The latest issue of "einblick," the magazine of the German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ), addresses this topic with a focus on "Spin-offs – Ideas Become Reality."

mbits imaging serves as a living example of the successful transfer of research results into practical applications. Founded in 2015, mbits imaging GmbH aims to provide a solution for the mobile use of medical images. Supported by the DKFZ, mbits has continuously expanded and now offers various applications in the field of medical imaging.

Our CEO, Ingmar Gergel, shares insights into the challenges of the spin-off, the requirements for data security and privacy, as well as the integration of an application into the established processes of the German healthcare system.

Rainer Wessel, Chief Innovation Officer of the DKFZ, in turn, shares his insights into the success factors and challenges of spin-offs. The selection of such ventures undergoes a systematic analysis of technology, market structure, and resource requirements. Although the Heidelberg location proves to be research-intensive, limited space presents a particular challenge.

For more insights into our history and the initial ideas behind the "mRay" app, you can find the free "einblick" magazine on the DKFZ homepage as an E-Paper or PDF.


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