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Smart Photo Documentation

Fully comprehensive workflow

With the availability of smartphones, the documentation of important situations or documents using photos has arrived in our everyday life. How nice that would be in the everyday medical life!

mRay enables taking pictures to assgn patients using barcodes, to keyword and upload DICOM files in the hospital information system. mRay makes the photo documentation quick and easy, always compliant to current data protection requirements.

Everything integrated

  • Dedicated workflow of the wound and photo documentation.
  • Barcode recognition to assign patients.
  • Immediate storaging in the hospital information system or into the PACS.

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FAQs about Photo Documentation

You may already find some answers here

No. Access to photos within the gallery is not supported for privacy and security reasons.

No. The data remains encrypted within mRay and is not viewable by the user or by other apps.

Yes. The photos are automatically sent to your PACS after being assigned to a patient.


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