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– Für Ihre mRay VEOcore Präsentation –

Terminvereinbarung mRay VEOcore


  • Guideline-compliant fully automated evaluation of perfusion measurements within three minutes.
  • Display DEFUSE-3 inclusion criteria as suggested in ESO Guideline [01.2019]:
    infarct core volume, penumbra volume, mismatch ratio.
  • Intuitive representation in a 3D overview: infarct core (red) and hypoperfusion (yellow) as colored overlay, representation of CBF and Tmax.
  • Quantitative results for the quality of the automatic evaluation: warning in case of detected patient movement or incorrect contrast medium injection.
ki basierte perfusionsanlyse screenshot mray veocore
ki basierte perfusionsanalyse mRay VEOCORE Motion Correction

Fast communication

Thanks to full integration in mRay, all parties involved are informed in real time and can coordinate on the case regardless of location, of course also via mobile devices. Therapy decisions are made quickly and still evidence-based according to the European Stroke Organisation (ESO).

The acquisition is cost-effective, available as a standalone or as a package.

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