mRay in Radiology Magazine

The Asklepios Group already relies on mRay at 13 locations. Five of them use the application for teleradiology. However, due to the wide range of possibilities offered by mRay, the Group is already planning to deploy it in additional hospitals.

In an interview with Radiology Magazine, Felix Rauschek, Managing Director of Asklepios Klinik Bad Tölz and Regional Managing Director Bavaria South / West, explains: "Our medium-term goal at Asklepios is to integrate the existing radiologists with modern technology in such a way that, for example, we can improve the capacity utilization and at the same time create additional remuneration options. We need smart systems that think ahead and reduce administration time."

In the Asklepios Stadtklinik in Bad Tölz, mRay is not only used for teleradiology, on-call duty and for obtaining second opinions. Felix Rauschek is also one of the pioneers in the field of AI: "In cooperation with mbits, we are already using the AI-based image analysis mRay-VEOCore in stroke care to automatically determine how large a vascular occlusion is and how much brain tissue can potentially still be saved."


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