Movember at mbits

"What do you look like?" is the question currently being asked by many of our customers who visit us in the office or at congresses. At mbits it's Movember - a nested word made up of Moustache (short: Mo) and November.

The Movember campaign was originally launched in 2003 by a group of young Australians. In the meantime, men all over the world participate. During Movember, men grow moustaches to draw attention to the issue of men's health. The aim is to raise funds for the prevention and treatment of various diseases. These include in particular mental health and suicide prevention, as well as prostate and testicular cancer.

We think the campaign is great and would like to take this opportunity to point out the possibilities of making a donation to the Movember Foundation and the NCT (National Center for Tumor Diseases) in Heidelberg.


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