mbits @ Radiology Ulm

50 Years of University Radiology Ulm

Radiology has been a medical discipline for over a hundred years. Now, the University Radiology Ulm is looking back on half a century of history. The 50th anniversary of the foundation of its own institute in the university environment is to be celebrated at a ceremony this coming saturday.

Visitors can expect presentations on the challenges and opportunities of radiology in the age of AI. Advances in imaging technology have led to new possibilities in diagnosis and therapy. The University Hospital in Ulm recognized this years ago. Therefore, we are particularly pleased to have the hospital as one of our long-standing and satisfied customers.

As in previous years, we will support the event as a sponsor and will have a booth on site to inform guests about our radiology app mRay.

Universitätsklinikum Ulm
Diagnostische und Interventionelle Radiologie
Albert-Einstein-Allee 29
89081 Ulm

June 17, 2023


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