RöKo Symposium check here!

Reach your goal faster digitally.

For our successful first symposium at the Röntgenkonkress 2021 we would like to thank again our speakers, Prof. Dr. med. Dipl. Phys Gerald Weisser from the Clinic Ludwigshafen and Prof. Dr. med. Paul Grützner, medical director of the BG Clinic Ludwigshafen.

If you missed our symposium you can check it out here anytime! On the topic "Reach your goal faster digitally: Connecting radiologists, surgeons and patients via app" we will talk about smart wound documentation and modern teeradiology on the tablet with mRay.

Make a note now of our second symposium with Prof. Dr. Horst Urbach, Director of the Clinic for Neuroradiology at the University Hospital Freiburg, on July 9, 2021, at 3:00 p.m., on the topic "Possibilities of mRay in Neuroradiology."

We look forward to our second symposium!


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