mRay symposia at the RöKo 2021

The 102nd German Congress of Radiology (RöKo) 2021 is drawing to a close. As the congress draws to a close, we would like to draw your attention once again to our two symposia that took place during the congress.

Under the central congress theme "Networking Intelligence", Prof. Dr. med. Dipl. phys. Gerald Weisser and Prof. Dr. med. Paul Grützner spoke in May this year about how our app mRay enables smart wound documentation and modern teleradiology on the tablet:

"Getting there digitally faster: connecting radiologists, surgeons and patients via app"

In July 2021, Prof. Olav Jansen, MD, and Prof. Horst Urbach, MD, reported on the role of mRay in supraregional stroke management with AI support at a second symposium:

In both cases, the speakers focused primarily on their personal experiences with mRay.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank our speakers once again for their warm words!


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