mRay convinces more clinics

mRay simplifies numerous clinical processes - as more than 100 hospitals already know and appreciate. They rely on flexible background services, AI image analysis tools, smart photo wound documentation or teleradiology, whether as a complete package or as an individual module.

In our efforts towards an optimum hospital networking, we have been able to win two more hospitals in recent weeks.

The Klinikum rechts der Isar der Technischen Universität München will not only benefit from mRay, but also from mRay-VEOcore. Thanks to the AI-supported perfusion analysis, strokes can be treated even faster.

The radiologists at the Asklepios Neurologische Klinik Bad Salzhausen are now teleradiologically connected to the Asklepios hospitals in northern Germany via mRay.

We would like to thank them for their trust and look forward to further cooperation.


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