mbits @ GPR Annual Conference

60th Annual Meeting of the Society for Pediatric Radiology (GPR)

Under the motto "Together we are safe – Safety culture in pediatric radiology," the 60th GPR Annual Conference will take place in Vienna next week. The focus will be on current and relevant issues in the field of pediatric radiology and their safe implementation.

Gemäß dem Motto „Gemeinsam“ werden wir zusammen mit unserem Partner ImageBiopsy Lab mit einem Gemeinschaftsstand vor Ort sein. Für das Wiener Unternehmen ein Heimspiel. An unserem gemeinsamen Stand informieren wir Sie über die Vorteile der IB Lab ZOO Produktpalette in Verbindung mit unserer Radiologie-App mRay.

The integration of ImageBiopsy Lab's AI-supported software applications into mRay enables automatic measurements and analyses to be performed. For example, the assessment of pediatric bone age, the detection of knee arthritis, or the measurement of leg length discrepancies can be easily conducted at the push of a button.

Universität Wien
Universitätsring 1
1010 Wien

September 14-16, 2023

You are welcome to make an appointment with us in advance.
We are looking forward to your visit!

By the way, the OERG Congress will also be taking place simultaneously in Salzburg, where we will also be represented at a joint booth with ImageBiopsy Lab.


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