BGU IT director praises mRay

Handelsblatt supplement: User report on the mRay Fotodok

"With mRay, we have found an optimal solution," says Helmut Greschner, head of IT at BG Klinik Ludwigshafen, in an interview featured in the current Handelsblatt supplement "Gesundheit 4.0."

The BG Clinic has been using mRay photo documentation for some time and has thus significantly simplified image and wound documentation in-house, according to Greschner. "This ensures higher employee satisfaction, better quality of treatment and a more confident argument to the medical service."

Currently, a comparative study between mRay and the previous workflow with digital cameras is also being conducted at the BG Klinik. We will publish the results of the study in a timely manner.

We are very happy about this positive feedback on the mRay photo documentary!


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