Healthcare in Europe also reports on mRay

'With mRay, we have found an optimal solution'.

'Photo documentation and access to medical images: intuitive and performant', headlines healthcare-in-europe currently. In this case study, Helmut Greschner, IT manager at BG Klinik Ludwigshafen, describes in detail how our mRay app works for photo documentation.

'With mRay, we have found an optimal solution', says the IT manager. After more than two years of using mRay for on-call services and photo documentation, Greschner draws a consistently positive conclusion: 'mRay makes it much easier to import smartphone images at the patient bedside.'

We say thank you for the warm words and look forward to a continued good cooperation. Last November, the Handelsblatt had already reported on mRay at BG Klinik.


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