New mRay Users at the End of the Year
As the year comes to a close, we are excited to announce that both the University Hospital of Gießen and Marburg and the Kreiskrankenhaus Grünstadt have adopted mRay technology before the end of the year.
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As the year comes to a close, we are excited to announce that both the University Hospital of Gießen and Marburg and the Kreiskrankenhaus Grünstadt have adopted mRay technology before the end of the year.
Since March, Klinikum Lippe has been using the mRay app for fast, remote access to imaging data and efficient communication. Thanks to the extensive integration, complete networking of the entire hospital is possible.
The research project "Virtual Treatment Room for Acute Therapy in Stroke Care" (VB-LVO) was successfully completed in cooperation with the University Hospital Freiburg.
Since the beginning of the year, a lot has happened: we warmly welcome the new mRay users and are pleased to support our existing satisfied customers with expanded application possibilities.
We are pleased to welcome three new clinics to our customer base. The BBT Group, specifically the Hospital of the Brothers of Mercy Trier, now benefits from our
AI-based decision support in personalized medicine The CLINIC 5.1 project, launched in March 2021, is a collaboration between industry, the German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ), Heidelberg University, and
Desde la digitalización, nada ha demostrado tanto la importancia del intercambio personal como la pandemia. Los actos presenciales han ganado valor desde entonces. Por eso nos alegramos de recibir a todos los visitantes de los numerosos eventos en los que participamos cada año.
Als Softwareanbieter ist uns Cyber Security besonders wichtig. Unser Team hält daher kontinuierlich die Augen nach neuen Sicherheitslücken und deren Lösungen offen. Um sicherzustellen, dass Sie stets auf dem neuesten Stand sind, informieren wir Sie hier über die wichtigsten Neuigkeiten zur Cyber Security.
Ransomware attacks on hospitals have increased worldwide, putting patients' lives at risk. Although it is difficult to prove a direct causal link between a cyberattack and the death of a patient, research suggests that such attacks can increase mortality rates.
Read more on heise.de
On November 28, 2023, an unknown attacker successfully infiltrated Esslingen Hospital by exploiting a vulnerability in the Citrix access. Immediately upon discovery, the hospital management established an emergency response team, currently conducting a comprehensive analysis to determine the extent of the attack. Only recently, an entire hospital chain was affected by a cyber attack.
Read more on heise.de and on borncity.com
cURL, the widely used collection of tools for HTTP calls, API calls and downloads via the command line, is facing a significant security update. The founder of the cURL project has announced that he will release information on October 11th about a security vulnerability that has been classified as serious. This upcoming update is expected to be of great importance as cURL is used in numerous projects for various web requests.
Read more on heise.de
Security issue of significant severity is disclosed with curl 8.4.0 The release cycle is being accelerated and curl 8.4.0 is scheduled for release on October 11th. This release includes fixes for a HIGH severity vulnerability and another LOW severity vulnerability. The HIGH vulnerability is probably the most severe Curl vulnerability in a long time, and the new version and detailed information on both CVEs will be announced on release day at 06:00 UTC.
Read more on github.com
According to the latest findings, Juniper firewalls are exposed to an increased risk from a new exploit that facilitates attacks. Despite the availability of security updates, many systems are not yet up to date. There is an acute danger, as security researchers have already identified ongoing attacks on unprotected firewalls.
Read more on heise.de
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