mRay welcomes new users

We are pleased to welcome three new clinics to our customer base.

The BBT Group, specifically the Hospital of the Brothers of Mercy Trier, now benefits from our mRay patient portal. The patient portal significantly speeds up communication between patients and medical staff. Through a simple access link, patients can digitally access their image data and easily forward it to treating physicians as needed. The cumbersome process of burning and reading CDs is eliminated, which is particularly advantageous in the modern era where CD drives are often no longer present.

The GELENKPUNKT Sport und Gelenkchirurgie Innsbruck now relies on mRay Professional. This ensures fast and secure image access, including enhanced features, for the physicians. In addition, they have access to a secure messenger, quick and uncomplicated second opinions, and many other functions.

These features also benefit the medical staff of the DONAUISAR Klinikum Deggendorf, which has opted for an mRay Campus license. The license enables efficient networking of the entire hospital, ensuring fast communication between different departments—even when colleagues are working outside the hospital.

We would like to thank our new partners for their trust and look forward to a successful collaboration.


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