We have developed a new app for research purposes

With mbits-PIA, messages from medical staff are transmitted directly to patients' smartphones

In addition to the mRay app, which enables physicians to communicate radiological image data on the go, mbits, as an expert in medical app development, has developed PIA, a second mobile application that provides patients with all important information during their hospital stay.

A classic scenario in the hospital: Patients have not been informed in time or only inadequately about upcoming appointments or rescheduled appointments due to time constraints and wait in vain for the upcoming ward round or the rescheduled surgery appointment.

PIA enables electronic communication of messages, appointments and information to patients during an inpatient hospital stay, making processes more efficient and reducing waiting times.

A related research project of the Uniklinik Heidelberg will start in a few weeks. We will keep you up to date on this!


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