Rapports d'examen sur tablette

Rapports d'examen sur tablette

Did you know that with mRay you can also report on the tablet?

The transmission of medical images for diagnosis and consultation is an important part of telemedicine. With mRay you have the ability to work teleradiologically on a tablet according to the current legal requirements. As a class IIb medical device, mRay is suitable for the regular evaluation of any image material and can therefore be used as a replacement for your current PACS viewer on the existing workstations.

However, the necessary requirements for the hardware must be considered separately. The DIN 6868-157 standard specifies the requirements for an image reproduction system as well as the room classes for reporting. It should be noted that the image reproduction system does not necessarily have to be in the same location. After verification of the room class, the mobile device can be used for reporting regardless of location. The definitions of room classes for the respective activity must be taken into account.

Limits for image display devices for reporting fluoroscopy and CT image data:

For mammography and projection radiography, higher requirements apply. For the reporting of MR data, these requirements are not mandatory, but recommended.

We regularly pick up tablets for our customers for diagnostic purposes. We recommend the iPad Pro 12.9″ from Apple, as DICOM calibration is performed by mRay software and the DIN 6868-157 standard is fully covered.

The requirements for the operation of a teleradiology facility according to the Radiation Protection Ordinance are described in the DIN 6868-159 standard, which are also met by mRay. The transmission of the data is AES 265bit encrypted, as is the subsequent display on the terminal device, in DICOM format.

Our customers not only benefit from the ability to diagnose on the tablet, but also receive automated, standard-compliant, monthly teleradiology reports for submission to the medical office or the regional council.


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