Radiology Magazine and Hospital IT Journal report on mRay

Our app at Meine Radiologie and BG Hospital Ludwigshafen.

Image data and findings can be digitally available via the mRay patient and referring physician portal. Both treating physicians, practices and patients can thus easily, quickly access the data on mobile devices and forward them.

Meine Radiologie CEO Dr. med. Dirk Knüppel explained the reasons for using mRay in an interview with Radiology Magazine: 'The best thing about mRay is that we only have to send one link to give referring physicians and patients access to the images and findings', he explains. Meanwhile, the app is already in active use in eight practices. The goal is to establish mRay at all 27 sites.

The Hospital IT Journal reports in the current issue on mRay photo documentation at the BG Klinik Ludwigshafen. Already in November 2020, the interview with BGU IT director, Mr. Greschner, was featured in the Handelsblatt and at Healthcare in Europe.


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