New mRay Users at the End of the Year

The year is wrapping up, and we are proud to equip two more renowned hospitals with mRay solutions. Since September, the University Hospital of Gießen and Marburg and the Kreiskrankenhaus Grünstadt have been utilizing our innovative technologies.

University Hospital of Gießen and Marburg

As one of Germany's leading healthcare providers, the University Hospital of Gießen and Marburg has taken another step toward digital transformation. Since September, mRay Connect has been supporting the on-call medical service in the Department of Interventional and Diagnostic Radiology. This solution, previously proven in neuroradiology, enables physicians to collaborate more efficiently and flexibly—an undeniable advantage, especially in time-critical situations.

In addition, mRay VEOcore is being deployed. This powerful tool for automated Analyse de perfusion allows for precise and rapid evaluation of radiological data in stroke cases. All stakeholders are informed in real-time and can collaborate remotely using mobile devices.

Kreiskrankenhaus Grünstadt

The Kreiskrankenhaus Grünstadt has also paved the way for a digital future. Since September, it has been using the mRay Portal , a patient portal that offers an easy and efficient way to view and download medical imaging data. By scanning a QR code, patients can directly access their examination results. The mRay Patient, Referrer,and Portail de téléchargement provides a modern alternative to burning CDs.

We look forward to continuing to support more hospitals and practices in digitizing and modernizing their workflows in the coming year.


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