mRay welcomes new users

In the past weeks and months we could convince several new customers of mRay. Due to the numerous possible applications, our app provides the right solution for every practice and clinic to work faster and more efficiently. This not only saves time and money but also offers the highest level of comfort for medical personnel, IT, and patients.

Die Privatpraxis Kaprun Diagnostik wird mRay zukünftig zur Befundung nutzen. Das St. Vinzenz-Hospital Köln und das Klinikum Fürstenfeldbruck verwenden mRay für einen mobilen und sicheren Bildzugriff. Die Ärzteschaft profitiert zudem von einer schnellen Second Opinions., unabhängig von Zeit und Ort.

Raya Diagnostics in München kann nun auf die automatisierte Perfusionsanalyse mRay VEOcore vertrauen und dadurch wertvolle Zeit sparen, die bei Schlaganfällen dringend benötigt wird.

The RDTM in Munich has opted for our patient portal to improve communication between patients and medical personnel.

The Klinikverbund Allgäu and the Theresienkrankenhaus in Mannheim have chosen a campus license for mRay, allowing full use of mRay throughout the hospital. They follow the five Munich Klinik hospitals that also use our photo wound documentation.

Last but not least, mbits is also pleased to announce its first customer in Lebanon. The German Consulting Office is now using the mRay upload portal to quickly and easily share data with other hospitals across the country.

We are excited about our new customers and thank them for their trust!


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