mRay Fully Implemented at Klinikum Lippe

The Klinikum Lippe, one of the largest municipal hospitals in Germany and part of the University Hospital OWL at Bielefeld University, has implemented mRay since the end of March. The hospital is now comprehensively using our app and benefiting from numerous advantages.

mRay Connect

With the mRay Campus License, a complete connection and networking of the entire hospital is possible. Various departments benefit from quick and remote access to medical imaging data via the app and can efficiently communicate through the secure messenger . Case-based chats or Gruppenmeetings allow for discussion of findings or live image data sharing through the screensharing function. Sharing findings, obtaining second opinions, and making diagnoses are effortlessly possible with flexible, portable Téléradiologie — even during on-call duty or from remote locations.

mRay Portal

The mRay Patient, Referrer,and Portail de téléchargement provides a modern alternative to burned CDs. Findings can be retrieved digitally on any device, and older findings can be conveniently uploaded. These sensitive data are transmitted in compliance with GDPR and are immediately available to the treating physicians in the hospital system.

mRay Stroke

With mRay VEOcore , Klinikum Lippe now employs an optimized, AI-supported perfusion analysis in stroke therapy. The automated evaluation of CT or MRI findings supports guideline-compliant decision-making on whether thrombectomy would improve treatment outcomes.

We are proud to accompany Klinikum Lippe a step further into the digital future and look forward to a successful collaboration!


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