mbits Symposium at the DGUV

We are happy to invite you to our first mRay Lunch Symposium - as part of the UMED of the DGUV - in Mainz.

The symposium is entitled "Tomorrow's digital trauma medicine" and addresses the question of how digitization is changing the working world of medical specialists.

Fast, mobile and image-based communication by means of an app can be the key to making the day-to-day work of medical staff and the exchange of information more efficient, both within and across disciplines.

This not only involves the question of how colleagues can come together across departments or clinics, for example, for a virtual case discussion, but also how patients and referring physicians can conveniently exchange medical image data and findings with surgery and radiology via app.

On the other hand, AI is gaining more and more importance in the context of image processing. In trauma medicine, this involves the automated segmentation of wounds and, as a result, better wound care and documentation of wound progression.

However, digitization is also changing the everyday work of surgeons during an operation. In an outlook, we look at what is already possible today in the operating room by means of contactless gesture control.


Faster to the surgical goal
Interdisciplinary networking with mobile, image-based communication
Dr. Ingmar Gergel

Future operating room
Keeping everything in view with touchless gesture control
Dr. Henning Röhl

Automated wound segmentation
How AI can help work more accurately and save a lot of time
Dr. Michael Müller

Lunch Symposium
November 11
01.00 - 2.00 pm
Meeting Room III

The German Social Accident Insurance (DGUV) is already organizing the 35th Accident Medicine Conference. The focus is on progress, important developments and new findings in the field of accident medicine.

Wir sind auch mit einem Stand vertreten und informieren Sie vor Ort über unserer App mRay. Vereinbaren Sie hierzu gerne schon vorab einen Termin mit uns.

We look forward to seeing you at our booth and at the mRay lunch symposium.

Rheingoldhalle Mainz
Rheinstraße 66
55116 Mainz

November 11-12


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