mbits wins new customers

mRay in use in four more houses

In recent weeks, we were able to convince two clinics of the advantages of our mRay app. Experience has shown that once physicians are familiar with mRay, they no longer want to miss the benefits.

The GLKN Konstanz has not only opted for a campus license, with which they are using mRay across the board in all departments of the hospital, but also for mRay VEOcore, which provides neuroradiology with an automated perfusion analysis that enables rapid and better therapy decisions in acute stroke.

The radiology department of the Caritas Klinikum Saarbrücken in turn uses our app for flexible background service to back up findings at lightning speed. We would like to thank them for their trust in our system and look forward to continued good cooperation in the future.

Furthermore, we are pleased to announce that currently the Uniklinik Magdeburg as well as the St. Elisabeth Group are in the mRay test phase.


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