mbits at the Radiology Congress North in Hamburg

We are very happy to meet you again at a face-to-face event after such a long time. On February 11 and 12, 2022, the Radiology Congress North will take place in Hamburg, at the Radisson Blue. mbits will be represented with a booth and will present the benefits and innovations of our radiology app mRay.

The advanced training congress in the north is the joint annual conference of the Norddeutsche Röntgengesellschaft e.V. (North German X-ray Society) and the Röntgengesellschaft von Niedersachsen, Bremen und Sachsen-Anhalt e.V. (X-ray Society of Lower Saxony, Bremen and Saxony-Anhalt). Visitors can look forward to an exciting program.

You are welcome to arrange an appointment with us in advance.

We are looking forward to your visit!

Radisson BLU Hotel Hamburg Dammtor
Marseiller Str. 2
20355 Hamburg

February 11-12, 2022


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