mbits at the German Congress of Radiology

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It´s almost time! Our symposium at the German Congress of Radiology will take place on 20.05.2021 at 4.30 pm.

We are very pleased that Prof. Dr. med. Dipl. Phys Gerald Weisser from the Clinic Ludwigshafen and Vice Chairman of the association DG-BW Digitale Gesundheit Baden-Württemberg e.V, as well as Prof. Dr. med. Paul Grützner, Medical Director of the BG Clinic Ludwigshafen will speak about mRay.

According to the motto of the 102nd German Congress of Radiology, 'Connecting Intelligence', mRay connects different players quickly and securely at a time when the need for digitization is becoming increasingly prominent. The app for displaying radiological images enables the networking of physicians and patients and allows the mobile and secure sharing of medical image data.

Register now for free for the symposium or contact us if you would like to know more about mRay: by mail, in the chatroom or make an appointment.

We are looking forward to meet you and the great presentations by the professors!


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