mbits at the NeuroRAD of the DGNR

Precision. Individualized. – is the congress motto of the 57th Annual Meeting of the German Society for Neuroradiology (DGNR). This year the neuroRAD congress invites to Kassel.

We will be there with a booth and inform you about the advantages of our radiology app mRayin the field of neuroradiology. Learn more about our automated perfusion analysis VEOcore, and the possibilities of clinic networking with mRay.

As part of the neuroRAD poster presentations mbits employee Gregor Nageler will present the results of his dissertation, which was created in cooperation with Neuroradiology Heidelberg and mbits imaging GmbH.
In his project, he developed a deep-learning based method to automatically detect acute angles (>90°) of the internal caortic artery (ICA) in CT angiography (CTA) images. Using the generated algorithm to automatically classify acute angles in the ICA, inferences can be made in advance about the likely duration of thrombectomy, potentially predicting the neurological outcome of thrombectomy. The poster for the paper can be found here.

Kongress Palais Kassel
Holger-Börner-Platz 1
34119 Kassel

Oktober 12-14,2022

You are welcome to make an appointment with us in advance.
We are looking forward to your visit at booth L01!


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