IT security in hospitals?

When the wrong systems are used.

Radiological image data sent via WhatsApp is still a sad daily occurrence at German hospitals. Unencrypted servers, with thousands of patient records, repeatedly cause scary data breaches, as the case a year ago in southern Germany showed. In the most recent scandal, a remote desktop system at the University Hospital in Düsseldorf was the victim of a hacker attack.

"The BSI is becoming increasingly aware of incidents where Citrix systems have been compromised even before the security updates made available in January 2020 have been installed. As a result, attackers continue to have access to the system and networks behind it even after the security vulnerability has been closed," writes the Federal Office for Information Security (BSI) in an announcement dated September 17, 2020, following the cyber attack on the University Hospital in Düsseldorf.

We quote the independent IT platform Golem in this context: "Anyone who has not yet updated their systems now can be almost certain that they have already been compromised. There's only one thing left to do: shut down and completely rebuild - or do without systems from such a questionable manufacturer right away."

With mRay, you rely instead on a system that was developed from the outset as a medical device and gives the highest priority to data security. As one of the fastest and most secure digital tools for communicating radiological image data, with mRay you benefit from portable, teleradiology home offices, a secure messenger for medical professionals, and mobile access to your data - anytime, anywhere.

Of course, quality management for the development of our software has already been certified since the beginning of this year in accordance with the stricter guidelines of the Medical Device Regulation (MDR), which will not become legally binding until mid-2021.

In use in hospitals for many years, over a hundred hospitals now place their trust in our software, including university hospitals in Heidelberg, Mannheim, Schleswig-Holstein, Göttingen, Ulm, Freiburg, Regensburg, as well as large hospital groups such as Asklepios and Vivantes.

Convince yourself and test mRay for two months free of charge! Contact us by 30.11.2020 at the latest at (+49) 6221 6734 880 or send us an email to


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