The first mRay Masterclass


In October, the first webinar series of the mRay Masterclass took place. The managing directors of mbits imaging GmbH presented practical features of the mRay app live and answered participants' questions. This type of online training allows us to introduce new features, demonstrate efficient workflows, and maintain direct interaction with our users.


The first webinars focused on communication and networking with mRay, covering topics like sharing radiological images and using basic features like the search and DICOM viewer. The positive response confirmed the value of these sessions.

Would you like to benefit from the shared insights as well? Watch the recording now to bring your mRay knowledge up to date.

Watch the full content of the first webinar series anytime now.


More sessions are planned for next year. The webinars provide an ideal opportunity to deepen mRay knowledge and learn directly from the developers. The Masterclass is designed for new users, current customers, and anyone interested in optimizing their skills with the app.


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