A new version of our app mRay is now available for download in the stores. With mRay 6.6 you can expect some crucial new features.
With a newly integrated multiplanar reconstruction (MPR) feature, you can now use any oriented layers in mRay. Individual views can be saved as hangings (to be found under the annotation menu).
With mRay 6.6, structured reports can be created for the first time beyond the free text reporting, tailored to imaging, according to DIN 25300-1 of the German Radiological Society.
Further improvements have been implemented, for teleradiology in particular, such as partial distance measurement: in addition to the findings workflow and the justifying indication, the teleradiology module also includes the generation of documents relating to proof of constancy testing in accordance with DIN 6868-157 and DIN 6868-159.
These reports can be created manually by administrators in the configuration application in the "Status" tab using "Generate Report". Then select the desired time period.
Those who use mRay more frequently on the desktop will be pleased that the app can be operated via keyboard with hotkeys in the future.