
Update now to mRay 6.7

With mRay 6.7, an update of our app is now available. The new version mainly offers improved portal functions and can be downloaded now from all AppStores.

The Upload Portal now enables multi-client capability and additional text information that can be included with the treatment order. This allows patients and referring physicians to directly select the correct department.

In turn, the Patient Portal now supports QR code printing in addition to email messages. If the patient does not have a mobile device available, they can use it to access their data by entering the 8-digit code and their date of birth on the portal page.

You can easily try out a trial version of the patient portal at (Access code: 1111 1111 | PIN 111111)

mRay 6.7: Send your images directly to the right department.

Furthermore, in the case of two linked views, it is now possible to scroll through the images to the same extent, regardless of the slice distance. In addition, the search via the filters has been improved. The search for "CT" now no longer shows only CT images, but returns the complete series if it contains a CT.

The automatically generated report during the teleradiological constancy check now contains more columns with information about the individual sections. This helps in localizing connection errors. In addition, the DICOM export in the app is now easier to find and adheres to the DICOM CD format.


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