Our initiative continues to have an impact

In the past few days, six more clinics have opted for mRay

To enable physicians to be mobile and, if necessary, work in quarantine from their home offices, the Niels Stensen Kliniken, the Kliniken Köln, the Danube-Isar-Klinikum, the Uniklinikum Schleswig-Holstein and the Radiologie Am Fleet on mRay.

And our mobile DICOM platform is also receiving further support internationally. With the Hospital General Dr. Raymundo Abarca Alarcon in Mexico, we can announce our first overseas installation. We would like to thank all new mRay users for their trust in our system and look forward to a long-term cooperation.

Of course, we continue to offer mRay free of charge for the duration of the crisis. Contact us by phone or email contact or use the new chat feature on our homepage. Our support team is prepared and can perform installations at short notice and without bureaucracy.

Shortly after the start of our initiative, we were able to report for the first time how well mRay is being received.


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