mbits auf Messe

Looking forward to the Röko

For the 105th time, the German Radiological Society (DRG) and the Austrian Radiological Society (ÖRG) are inviting attendees to the Röko. Visitors can expect an extensive program of lectures, workshops, and symposia at the RheinMain CongressCenter in Wiesbaden, along with an industry exhibition spanning two large halls.

mbits will be present once again, now for the 11th consecutive time as an exhibitor. At booth Nord 26, directly visible from the entrance of Hall Nord, we will showcase all the latest developments surrounding our radiological image data platform mRay. Additionally, as always, we will be serving cold drinks and the famous Serrano ham.

A visit to our booth is definitely worthwhile. Feel free to schedule an appointment with us in advance.

RheinMain CongressCenter (RMCC)
Friedrich-Ebert-Allee 1
65185 Wiesbaden

Stand: Nord 26

May 8-10, 2024


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