mbits @ R3 Imaging

R3 Imaging is a collaboration of radiologists from Germany, Austria, and Switzerland with the goal of discussing interdisciplinary perspectives in therapy, diagnostics, and technology development. Innovation, patient-centered care, and practical relevance are the primary focus areas. The initiative brings together experts from all fields of diagnostic and interventional radiology. Representatives from clinics, research, and industry work together to keep radiology at the cutting edge of technology.

We are delighted to be present on-site for the first time in collaboration with our partner, ImageBiopsy Lab. At our joint booth, we will provide you with information about the benefits and applications of our radiology app, mRay. This app not only enables virtual case discussions and intelligent photo documentation but also offers portal solutions such as patient and referrer portals, as well as an upload portal. Furthermore, we will demonstrate the advantages of integrating the IB Lab ZOO product range into our app.

Bodensee Forum
Reichenaustraße 21
78467 Konstanz

September 21-23, 2023

You are welcome to make an appointment with us in advance.
We are looking forward to your visit!


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