mbits receives award at the Entscheiderevent 2021

Award for digitization project.

At the beginning of the week, the 15th Entscheiderevent met in Düsseldorf. Federal Minister of Health Jens Spahn opened the event with a welcoming speech, which focused on the digital projects of future healthcare, of which the top 5 projects in 2020 were awarded.

We are pleased that our concept for 'Seamless digital support in stroke care' together with Prim. Priv. Doz. Dr. Dr. Karl Egger was awarded. In a future issue of the magazine Der Radiologe, we will describe in detail the technical implementation of the concept and how it supports the physicians involved. We thank you for the successful event and the award and are looking forward to the successful progress of the new digitalization topics in 2021.


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