mbits at ICT & VSRN

Next week, mbits will venture into new territory at the ICT in Antwerp, exploring the world of industrial CT. At the same time, mbits will once again be present at the VSRN Spring Course in Baden-Baden, focusing on radiology and nuclear medicine.

ICT 2025: A Premiere for mRay

The 14th International Conference on Industrial Computed Tomography (iCT) in Antwerp brings together leading experts from science and industry to drive innovations in the field of industrial CT technology.

For mbits, ICT 2025 is a premiere, opening up exciting new perspectives: Through collaboration with Messtronik, an enthusiastic user of our app, it becomes clear how mobile DICOM viewing can be efficiently utilized in industrial computed tomography as well.

Stadscampus University of Antwerp
Building K – Aula Rector Dhanis
Kleine Kauwenberg 14
2000 Antwerpen

February 4–7, 2025

mbits @ VSRN

Also next week, radiologists and nuclear medicine specialists from southwestern Germany will gather for the 35th Spring Courses of the VSRN (Association of Southwestern Radiologists and Nuclear Medicine Specialists) in Baden-Baden. The program promises a diverse range of professional development opportunities, efficiently combining knowledge and practice. All details can be found on the official website.

mbits will once again be present at the event, showcasing mRay live on-site. mRay enhances professional exchange while simultaneously increasing efficiency and comfort in everyday workflows. At booth P11, attendees can learn more about the wide range of applications and receive personalized consultations.

Kongresshaus Baden-Baden
Augustaplatz 10
76530 Baden-Baden

February 7-8, 2025


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