mbits at the OERG

The joint congress of the Austrian and Bavarian Radiological Societies (OERG) invites to Salzburg next week. Visitors can expect a program with a focus on oncological radiology in all its specialties.

Together with our (Austrian) partner ImageBiopsy Lab, we will be present with a booth. On site you will learn more about the benefits of sharing the IB Lab ZOO product range and our radiology app mRay. We will also inform you about the novelties of the new mRay version, which will be released soon.

Salzburg Congress
Auerspergstraße 6 (Entrance Kurpark / Mirabellgarten)
5020 Salzburg

Oktober 6-8,2022

You are welcome to make an appointment with us in advance.
We are looking forward to your visit at booth 2!


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