Supporting health together

For the second year in a row, the pandemic is challenging our healthcare system. Medical and nursing staff are tirelessly fighting the virus in overcrowded hospitals and nursing homes and are once again doing extraordinary work.

For this reason, mbits imaging GmbH has decided not to send Christmas cards to customers this year. Instead we will support various social projects with a small donation.

One of them is the Aktionsbündnis „Gesundheit fördern“ (action alliance "supporting health"), which supports offers in health care, research and teaching that are currently not covered by statutory funds. The nine university hospital locations that have set up the alliance thus also provide the opportunity to express our gratitude. We are supporting the alliance with a donation of €1,000.

We wish you, your families, and your colleagues a happy and reflective holiday season and look forward to continuing our collaboration in the new year.  

Stay healthy and digital,

Your mbits-team


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